Monday, May 11, 2015

Poached eggs

Heat the water: Add enough water to come 1 inch up the side of a narrow, deep 2-quart saucier. Add 1 teaspoon kosher salt and 2 teaspoons white vinegar and bring to a simmer over medium heat. Meanwhile, crack 1 very fresh cold large egg into a custard cup or small ramekin. Use the handle of a spatula or spoon to quickly stir the water in one direction until it's all smoothly spinning around.

TIP: Use this whirlpool method when poaching a single serving (one or two eggs). For bigger batches, heat the water, salt and vinegar in a 12-inch nonstick skillet and do not stir.

Add the egg: Carefully drop the egg into the center of the whirlpool. The swirling water will help prevent the white from "feathering," or spreading out in the pan.

Let it poach: Turn off the heat, cover the pan and set your timer for 5 minutes. Don't peek, poke, stir or accost the egg in any way.

Lift it out: Remove the egg with a slotted spoon and serve immediately. Alternatively, move the egg to an ice bath and refrigerate up to 8 hours. Reheat in warm water just before serving.


 One of my favorite snacks anytime of day. So simple, but you can add what ever extras you want.

1 - egg
1 - slice cheese
2 - slices bread
2 - teaspoons mustard.
1 - teaspoon or so vinegar.
Water for boiling  and the washing the egg.

In a small sauce pan fill with water about an inch and a half high.
Turn on the oven to high. At 180 degrees Fahrenheit, turn down heat.
Add the vinegar.
Crack a room temperature egg into a small dish.
Gently lower the egg into the water.
Let cook for minute.
Use a slotted utensil to bring the egg together.
Let cook until the doneness you prefer, (about 3 minutes or so.)
With a slotted spoon remove the egg to a towel and let it dry a bit.
Put the egg in some cold water to wash the vinegar off and cool the egg.
Toast two pieces of bread.
Cover one side of the toast with mustard.
Lay the cooked egg on one of the pieces of toast.
add salt and pepper if desired.
Add the cheese
Cover with the other piece of toast with mustard towardds the insides.


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